Writing Quote Friday and Sharpie Marker Amazement

Today’s writing quote is from Jack Bickham…

Fiction writers too often forget that interesting characters are almost always characters who are active—risk-takers—highly motivated toward a goal. Many a story has been wrecked at the outset because the writer chose to write about the wrong kind of person—a character of the type we sometimes call a wimp.

Also, click HERE to see what one man did with $10 worth of Sharpie Markers and blank basement walls.

12 thoughts on “Writing Quote Friday and Sharpie Marker Amazement

  1. Hehehe wimp. Too true. Hopefully, I’ve avoided that 🙂 Have you ever seen my high school jeans? I used to draw all over every pair with Sharpie markers. I even had one pair in my final AP art project. I’ll have to do a blog post about them sometime.

  2. Christi, I once tried to take a whimp to turn her life inside out and it turned out that I just wrote about a whimp … a three line critique from an agent cured me forever !!

    That basement design is extraordinary … thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. Great quote, and oh my gosh, what an awesome basement. I love the fireplace the part where it looks as if you can actually walk into a small hall to look at books.

    • Tori,

      I bet it looks even better if you’re standing in the room. I only wish they’ve moved the furniture to take the pictures. I bet lots of great stuff is hiding behind those couches.

      Thanks for visiting,


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