Lots of Links

Summer is winding down, so the Corbett family is cramming all the activities we haven’t gotten to yet into this last week. Unfortunately writing a witty blog post wasn’t on the list for the week, so I’m posting a bunch of writing related links (and a few that aren’t writing related, but they’re so COOL) instead 🙂

How about you? How’s your end of summer coming along?

THIS POST about writing, and meeting writing goals is one of the funniest and honest I’ve seen.  Plus, it’s got an amazing GIF of a Tsunami!


THIS POST contains 50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World. I love #6, but wonder about how to easily get the ketchup out first? I’ve always done #9, my mom taught me #10 when I was in middle school, #14 is GENIUS, and I really want to try #23 but I’m wondering if anyone out there has had actual success with it?


THIS POST lists all the items a writer’s website should contain. I visit this post and wonder when I’ll ever get around to updating the theme on my blog, much less create an actual website 🙂


THIS POST discusses Is Fifty Shades Triumphant for Women? Or Further Entrapping Them?


And finally, Val Kilmer rocks. So does his website. Take a minute to explore.


5 thoughts on “Lots of Links

  1. Thanks for the shout out, Christi! 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed it so much. Sometimes as writers we post things on blogs and wonder if anyone is really getting anything out of it.

    • J.A.,

      I loved your post because you were so honest about your writing goals. Well that, and because that 3rd GIF of the guy tossing his keyboard and walking out waving his hands in the air made my day 🙂

      How’s writing going now for you? Sticking to the goals?


  2. Those life hacks are awesome. I especially like the one about folding shirts vertically so you can see what you have. I’m going to do that one for sure.

    • Brianna,

      I loved that one too! I’m thinking the next time my favorite show is on (Castle) that instead of sitting, I’ll be clearing out the dresser. I’m trying to be more productive and pairing two mindless activities (folding clothes and watching tv) seems like a good place to start.

      Thanks for visiting,


  3. I’ll be checking some of these out – thanks Christi. Now that summer’s winding down, I’m getting back to following some of my favorite blogs, like yours.

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