Book Trailer for Along the Way Home

This has been a long time coming and I can’t thank Russell and Ryan at Attic Media Inc ( enough for all their hard work and patience getting it up and running. I highly recommend them to anyone looking to “see their words come to life”.

17 thoughts on “Book Trailer for Along the Way Home

  1. Christi-

    I can say I am not surprised that you have the talent for this notable leap into publishing.

    You have always been a passionate writer, able to capture the essence of your subject. I will give you a ‘high degree of difficulty’ for tackling this particular genre. 1843 Oregon.

    Keep “writing through” and listen to your own voice as well as you go through the copy 29 times.

    – Chris

  2. Christi,

    Thanks for alerting me to the trailer! It is so exciting to see this dream come to life.

    All the best wishes to you, your family and this book in the years to come. It will be fun to say, “I knew her when…”

    My admiration and love,

    Shelley L Houston

  3. Christi: I always knew you were special and had a very special way with words. I watched the trailer and can’t wait to read the book — my kind of book, romance, a bit of mystery, a bit of local history — all wrapped up into one! I hope it gets published soon so I can take it on my annual hunting trip in October. It will be a perfect setting to read your book — in the woods w/o electricity, running water, no cell phones, no computers, no TV. I’m very proud of you!!
    Aunt Judi

  4. How proud I am of my Great Niece. I can hardly wait to read your book. It sounds like it will be a great read. When will it be available? Put me on the list. Let me know where I will be able to get it. Congratulations to you.
    Great Aunt Mary

  5. Christi,

    Great to see the book trailer. All of you obviously worked hard on it. Plus it actually sounds like the book you talked about with me. Amazing, marketing and reality can meet in the same book.

    Keep on keeping on, you are doing a great job of staying with your dream and your projects.


  6. Sorry it has taken me so long to view this, I’ve been off my usual blog rounds. I am so impressed and if the book were already out, I’d be grabbing a copy as fast as I could! Bravo. Can’t wait to read it. If you’re looking for reviewers, count me in.

  7. Great trailer, Christi! You did all the pics? Wow! I like the sepia tones. But I especially like the story line. Good luck with this. I expect to have Along the Way Home on my bookshelf some day.

  8. Kaki,
    I did all the pictures but six (the photos of Kate and Jake, their houses, the chandelier, and the water hole were purchased from istock).
    Thanks for stopping by and checking it out. It was quite a labor of love!

  9. Pingback: What Inspires You While You Write? « Christi Corbett's Blog

  10. Pingback: The Cherry on Top Award « Christi Corbett's Blog

  11. THis is so awesome!!! It totally makes me want to read the book!!! And, ahem… I think I have some trailer envy right about now…. lo.! I’ve gotta get me oneof those.

    I think it’s fantastic! Kudos!

  12. Pingback: Guest Post: Meet Christi Corbett, an author who fell in love with reading early. « Rose's Romance Ramblings

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