Guest Post: Marcela De Vivo

Today’s guest post is by a freelance writer based out of Los Angeles who specializes in articles about a variety of topics. Today I’ve asked her to write about not giving up on your dreams.

Without further ado, here’s Marcela!


Creative Ways to Keep Your Dream Alive

Your dreams and goals in life are an important component of your well-being and your motivation for getting up every morning. These goals can be family-oriented, financial, healthy or made up of some other tangible scenario that you’re trying to attain within a certain amount of time.

Regardless of the scope of that goal or the time frame that you intend to achieve it in, you need to make an effort on a regular basis to maintain those goals in your own mind and keep them “alive” as you go about your daily life.

Long-term goals (and even short-term ones) can require a tremendous amount of patience before they are realized. While we might be able to stay patient for a time, it’s easy for us to lose interest in the things that we view as only a distant fantasy, that probably won’t ever come to fruition.

In order to avoid having our hopes and dreams die out before we ever get to them, we need to keep a few things in mind that will help us creatively and proactively press towards our goals and keep them burning in our hearts and minds.

1. Planning each day

Even our short-term goals require day to day planning. Having your accomplishments laid out for you every morning is the best way you can attack life’s goals and pursuits.

It helps you avoid feeling like you have to do it all right away and gives you a much more concentrated focus as you put in your hours.

Instead of having your thoughts jumping too far ahead, focus on accomplishing what needs to be done today and let that determine how you’ll approach the next day and so on. Before you start your day, write a list of what you want to accomplish for that day only.

2. Keeping your head down

It might not be the most glamorous idea, but keeping your head down and working towards your goals on a regular basis is simply a must when it comes to actually achieving them.

The unfortunate thing about life is that just about every goal works that way. Whether it’s learning something, obtaining a degree, creating a business or building something, it all takes a lot of time and a lot of work.

If you can keep your head down and put in that work, you’ll definitely see the fruits of your labor in due time.

3. Dividing long and short-term accomplishments

Your long term goals will only be accomplished by a series of short-term objectives that you complete one at a time.

These shorter tasks should be divided up somewhere between several months and a year. This will give yourself enough to time to make substantial progress, but not so much that you’ll find yourself pressured or panicked because of deadlines.

These goals can often be major components of your dream, such as saving up for a down payment on a house or accumulating a certain amount of clients for your business.

4. Keep it in perspective

It’s important to realize that your dreams and goals, while good and important parts of your life, aren’t worth every ounce of your energy. Take the time to enjoy the ride there, just as much as you would look forward to when those aspirations are actually fulfilled.

Make a mind map– one for your long-term goals and one for your short-term goals. Creating a mind map can provide you with a more structured approach to achieving your goals.

If you are more spiritual, include daily meditation and yoga practices. There are several benefits for your health if you include both of these activities in your life, including reduced stress and improved weight loss. 

Enjoy the Ride

Every stage in life, no matter how wonderful, inevitably gives way to a longing and desire for the next stage. It’s just the way we’re built.

So, take your time, work hard and enjoy the ride. If you do, you’ll realize your dreams and keep your sanity while working to achieve them.

Marcela De Vivo is a freelance writer from Southern California whose writing covers everything from technology to health and beauty; she currently writes content at Fair and Flawless Skin. She is always aspiring to reach a certain goal in her life and does her best to maintain a balance between achieving those goals, work and her family.