Update on my next book, Tainted Dreams


I’m out of the editing cave after fixing an embarrassing amount of errors during my first round of edits. It seems punctuation and past/present tense is a struggle for me. Also, I’m pathetic when it comes to using lay/lie/laid/lain correctly 🙂

editor cat

Now, I’m awaiting my next round of edits, and even more exciting, my book’s cover!

And I’m hard at work on the first draft of my next book. This newbie author learned a valuable lesson about the importance of writing something new during the editing and promotion process of an already-contracted book.

So how about you? How are you doing? 

Blogging Break

I’m on a deadline (wow do I REALLY appreciate being able to write that!) so I’m going to put the blog on a brief hiatus until mid-November so I can dive into the writing cave without distractions.

Here’s a picture that perfectly describes my twins’ thoughts on the matter…

Editing through a kid's eyes


See you in a few weeks. FYI: I’ll likely have contests and giveaways when I return, so watch for me!


This weekend was amazing!

SATURDAY  My dear hubby took the family (new puppy included) for an all day visit to the grandparents house. I became one with my computer chair* and pulled off 5500 words.

*Well, to be fair I did stop to watch a movie–but hey, at least I cleaned up the house during the commercials AND at least it was a movie about writing a novel. It was called Alex and Emma, starring Luke Wilson and Goldie Hawn’s daughter (can’t quite remember her name–Kate Hudson I think?).*

SUNDAY.  I immediately noticed a difference in my word count an hour into working. On Saturday, I’d polished over 2000 words by 10:00am. Sunday, I was at maybe 150 by the same time due to a bunch of silly interuptions. Grrrr.

This is the moment I finally figured out that since my four-year olds (and dear hubby) can read, why don’t I post a note on the door?

So I did, and it worked. For any of you wondering exactly what brilliant words I strung together, I have included my words of wisdom below.








So, the sign (and the threat of “You’re in big trouble if you open the door”) stayed in place all day and I managed to pull off another 3000 words. 

Of course, this entire weekend’s success is partially due to my dear hubby, who held down the fort while I was working.

I may make my deadline yet! 

PS.  Happy Monday–Castle is on tonight!