New Book from Christi Corbett!!!

I’m excited to announce the release of my fifth book, Bound by his Word!


Back Cover Copy:

As he held his dying best friend in his arms, Luke Higgins made a promise—to return a locket to the man’s wife.

He arrives to find a proud yet exhausted woman, struggling to run the town’s sole restaurant while raising her young son. Luke hires on as her cook, figuring he’ll stick around long enough to help her regain her footing, then hand over the locket and leave. Months later, with guilt gnawing on him worse than any of the injuries he sustained in battle, Luke finds himself falling for his best friend’s widow.

Molly Fulton is intrigued by the handsome stranger whose willingness to work brings her much-needed funds, and something more precious than money—time with her son. She ponders a life with him as more than just her cook, until her son stumbles across a long-lost treasure hidden in Luke’s coat pocket.

Can Molly forgive the man who entered her life because of a promise, but stayed because of a lie?


Buy Links:

It’s available as an ebook from the following retailers, and in print from Amazon.


Barnes and Noble






Happy Reading!!!!

I’m in the Spotlight!

I’m the featured author over at the Astraea Press (my publisher) blog.

CLICK HERE to find out all kinds of things about me, like my first memory, what I consider to be the greatest moment in my life, and the three words I picked that describe me best.

What about you? What three words describe you best?


Book-Themed Birthday Cake and Quilt

To me, the absolute best part of being a writer is connecting with readers who enjoy my writing. Since the release of Along the Way Home I’ve chatted with many readers, and I love it!

Two of my favorite readers are Heather Garcia and Michelle Naquin. They were two of the first to contact me after the book released to say they enjoyed it, and they do the most creative things to show their support of me, and many other writers.

Like making me this, which I LOVE!

Keep Calm and Read Christi Corbett

And just yesterday they did it again!

Look at this wonderful cake Michelle Naquin made for Heather Garcia’s birthday! It features books by her favorite authors, and Along the Way Home is one of them. I’m so honored to be included with authors Rachel Van Dyken, Kristin Vayden, and Nadine Millard!

cake full

cake along the way home

And, there’s a quilt too! It has Heather’s favorite authors, books, and series by Rachel Van Dyken, Kristin Vayden, and Christi Corbett. (My book cover is the second one down on the far right side)

along the way home quilt


Aren’t those AMAZING?!!!